Headset Microphone ▶ Best product reviews 2016

In our Headset Microphone test we compare five best gaming headsets with microphones in an objective and independent way. We provide you with the most important information about each headset micorphone, so you alone gain an impression and can buy the right one for you gaming headset.

best headset microphone

The best headset micorphone of each category

[price_table  id=”479″ ]
Sades SA 901 USB Gaming HeadsetUSB-Headset für PC / Laptop
7.1 Surround-Sound
perfekte Passform
getrennt einstellbaren Stufen
Verstärkter Kopfbügel
Neun Stufen der Höhenverstellung
27,49 €

Sade Headset kaufen

Sennheiser PC 363D USB Gaming Headset

Sennheisers Eargonomic Acoustic Refinement-Technologie
klangliche Präzision und Klarheit
7.1-Kanal-Surround mit Dolby Technologies
Offenes Design, für einen kühlen Kopf
Bequeme Mikrofon-Stummschaltung
USB-Soundkarte mit Dolby Headphone Control
212,89 €

Sennheiser Headset auf Amazon

Creative HS-950 USB Gaming Headset

X-Fi-Technologie für präzise Raumklangwiedergabe
ultrarealistische Akustikeffekte
Ergonomisches Design für hohen Tragekomfort
weiche, bequeme Ohrhörer
Mikrofon mit Geräuschunterdrückung
Tiefe Bässe und wirklichkeitsgetreue Effekte
speziell abgestimmte Bassreflexöffnungen
97,50 €

Creative Headset auf Amazon

ASUS Echelon Gaming Headset

Großartiger Sound
Camouflage Gaming-Design
lang anhaltender Tragekomfort
Naturgetreue Klangwiedergabe aller Details
50 mm großer Neodym-Magnet-Treiber
effektive Geräuschabschirmung um bis zu 30 dB
100 mm große Ohrpolster mit optimaler Passform
Ausziehbares Mikrofon mit Geräuschfilterung
89,90 €

asusHeadset auf Amazon

Logitech G430 Gaming Headset

Dolby 7.1 Souround Sound
Mikrofon mit Rauschunterdrückung
Nur die Stimme wird erfasst
Ohrpolster mit widerstandsfähigem Textilmaterial
Kompatibilität mit der PS4 sowie allen Windows-PCs
66,00 €

Logitech Headset auf Amazon

Best Price-Performance in headset micorphone: Gaming Headset Sades SA901

The Gaming Headset Sade SA 901 is a perfect entry-level gaming headset that delivers a fresh design, solid workmanship and good sound quality for under 30 euros. The USB headset also saves a sound card. The headset is automatically recognized by Windows. 7 Alternatively, you can download the drivers from the manufacturer’s website Sade: Sade SA901 Driver Gaming Headset

Fearures of a headset microphone

A headset microphone is a headphone with integrated microphone. The sound of the headphones has become standard Dolby Surround Sound. The microphone transmits the voice of gamers over the Internet to others who also have a Gaming Headset, and then hear the voice on their headphones and can reply directly from the microphone.
So you absolutely can concentrate on the game, it is important that the ear is completely around the ear and ideally filters out ambient noise.

Different headset microphone types

There are in principle two different types of headset microphones that are different from their connection ago. A classic headset microphone has two plugs, which can be stuck into the microphone jack or the speaker jack on the computer. However, you need also for a sound card with the appropriate connectors. This headset microphones have only one stereo sound.

Modern headset microphone have a USB port, which brings several advantages. On the one hand you do not need sound card. On the other hand, the contemporary gaming headsets Dolby Surround surround sound.

Providers of headset microphones

Providers in our Gaming Headset test are Sennheiser, Asus, Creative, Logitech and Sade.